Friday, 22 July 2011

SQL Expressions

sql - expressions

SQL Expressions are the pieces of a SQL query that compare values against other values or perform arithmetic calculations. Expressions can be found inside of any SQL command usually in the form of a conditional statement. In the SQL world, conditional statements and expressions test or compare values against other values.




sql - boolean expressions

Boolean expressions return rows (results) when a single value is matched.

SQL Boolean Expression:

USE mydatabase;
SELECT * FROM orders WHERE id = '1';

SQL Results:

2008-08-01 00:00:00.000

sql - numeric expression

Numeric Expressions return a single numeric value instead of an entire row and usually perform calculations.

SQL Code:

USE mydatabase;
SELECT 15 + 4;

SQL Code:

USE mydatabase;
SELECT (15 / 5) * 10;

SQL Code:

USE mydatabase;
SELECT ((5+5) * (5+5));
Each of the examples above returns a numeric value which is displayed inside the results pane of the SQL application. SQL also offers several built-in functions to perform what is known as aggregate data calculations against a table or a specific table column.
  • AVG() -- Returns the average value of a stated column.
  • COUNT(*) -- Returns a count of the number of rows of table.
  • SUM() -- Returns the sum of a given column.
Using one of the following functions also returns a numeric value:

SQL Code:

USE mydatabase;
SELECT COUNT(*) AS "Number of Orders"
FROM orders;

SQL Code:

USE mydatabase;
SELECT SUM(quantity)AS "Total Number of Items Purchased"
FROM orders;

SQL Code:

USE mydatabase;
SELECT AVG(quantity) AS "Average Number of Items Purchased"
FROM orders;
We can also combine these queries into a single query so that the results are viewable all at once.

SQL Code:

USE mydatabase;
SELECT COUNT(*) AS "Number of Orders",
SUM(quantity)AS "Total Number of Items Purchased",
AVG(quantity)AS "Average Number of Items Purchased"
FROM orders;

sql - date expressions

As the name suggests, Date Expressions return date/time values.
  • GetDate() -- Returns the current date/time.
  • Current_Timestamp -- Returns the current timestamp.
Date expressions as you may have guessed, return date values. We will be taking a closer look at date expressions later on in this tutorial. Stay tuned.

SQL Code:

USE mydatabase;
SELECT Current_Timestamp;

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